Monday 13 February 2012

Exciting News

Even before Matthew and I were married I dreamed about having a family,  and having my own children.  Last winter when I was working in the daycare in Manitou I was surrounded by children and that made me long for my own even more.  We were so blessed by the birth of Jayden Matthew on August 2, 2011,  and continue to be blessed!  We are expecting another baby for August!  (eeeee,  so excited)  I am now 13 weeks along,  and feeling really well.  I have been quite tired,  but I think that I'm almost over that tiredness hump. 

Some people have been asking if this pregnancy was planned or an accident.  And I always tell them we take it as it comes.  I believe that there are no accident pregnancies or accident children.  I believe that God has a special purpose for each life that he has created,  and that every life is beautiful.  So I guess that His plan was that Jayden have a sibling,  and that Matthew and I should have the responsibility of raising another child.  A pastor I know once told me that children were little angels from God,  and it was our job to make sure they got back to heaven where they came from.  I pray every night that I can be the mother that my children need and that they find Jesus as Saviour.  I am really enjoying the ups and downs,  the joys and frustrations of motherhood,  and am looking forward to meeting this new little one.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Jayden Matthew, Six Months

These six months have just flown by!  It has been and continues to be a wonderful experience having Jayden in our home.  Looking back can hardly imagine him not being here.  He has started to sit on the floor and play,  and loves it when Daddy comes to play with him!  Also just last week his first two teeth came through!   But the teething continues,  and I thank the Lord that it doesn't seem to bother him too much.



A big thank you to Megan Pauls for taking the time to have the photo shoot!  You did an awesome job!!!:)